JLG E450AJ #NA0287 Profil Achard side.jpg JLG E450AJ #NA0287 Profil arriere back side.jpg JLG E450AJ #NA0287 Profil avant front side.jpg JLG E450AJ #NA0287 Profil droite right side.jpg


#NA0287. 2006 JLG E450AJ Boom Lift with 1235 hours, electric motor, 45′ maximum lift. Many boom lifts for sale.

Simon Pelletier: 418-557-2711


Category Telescopic Boom Lift
Brand JLG
Model E450AJ
Engine Electric
Year 2006
SAAQ inspection No
Hours 1235
Stock number NA0287
Serial number
Postal code


2006 JLG E450AJ


  ChicoutimiPublished until 2025-06-01


Achard (Location & Vente)
Chicoutimi, QC, G7J 3Y3

Starting at $836.97 per month
for 48 months*

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