

2003 MACK GRANITE 10-wheel dump truck with MP7 425 hp engine, 18-speed transmission, 18/46 ''Full Lock'' axles, air suspension, single frame, 15' Lagacé dump body. Several used trucks for sale. Saint-Césaire QC, J0L 1T0.

Phone: 450-469-4781

Toll Free: 1-888-515-8469


Category Dump Truck
Brand Mack
Model Granite
Engine MP7 425 hp
Year 2003
SAAQ inspection No
Stock number
Serial number
Postal code


2003 Mack Granite


  Saint-CésairePublished until 2025-06-07


Rouville (Camions)
Saint-Césaire, QC, J0L 1T0

Starting at $1113.22 per month
for 36 months*

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